Gifts and Talents Survey 2022

Everyone has unique talents and gifts to offer. When we share our gifts and talents in community, we bring one another joy, we learn and grow, we deepen our faith AND we get to know one another better!

Please take the time to fill out the sections of this survey which speak to you. Every section is optional, so it is fine to skip over a section that is not your "thing". But when you find something that is, please add additional detail in the "essay" boxes.

Feel like checking a box that puts you a bit outside of your comfort zone? That's okay too; perhaps it's a place you're feeling called to grow.

We hope you'll find joy in sharing your gifts with HopeGateWay in this coming year.
Thank you!
Community Care

Please select all that apply.

Please select all that apply.
HopeGateWay small groups:

Please select all that apply.
Please select all that apply.
HopeGateWay: A Welcoming Space

Please select all that apply.
Outreach and Service

Please select all that apply.
Children & Family Ministries:

Please select all that apply.

Please select all that apply.
In Conclusion…

Thank you!


Everyone has unique talents and gifts to offer. When we share our gifts and talents in community, we bring one another joy, we learn and grow, we deepen our faith AND we get to know one another better!

Please take the time to fill out the sections of this survey which speak to you. Every section is optional, so it is fine to skip over a section that is not your "thing". But when you find something that is, please add additional detail in the "essay" boxes.

Feel like checking a box that puts you a bit outside of your comfort zone? That's okay too; perhaps it's a place you're feeling called to grow.

We hope you'll find joy in sharing your gifts with HopeGateWay in this coming year.
Thank you!